Exploring 1 John Session 18 1 John 3:3-8
Exploring 1 John Session 18 1 John 3:3-8
If you knew, beyond any doubt, that Jesus was
coming back at sunrise tomorrow morning, how would you live out the day? If you expected Jesus to return a week from
today, next Sunday morning right after worship, how would you live out the
We are in Session 18 of our exploration of 1
John. Previous sessions are to be found
in a video, audio, and manuscript form at www.hbcc.life
and in video form on YouTube channel HBCC Life.
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In this time of exploration, we will learn that
our expectation of Jesus imminent return motivates us to live a devout and holy
life; we are going to learn that the Gnostic heresy taught that their secret
knowledge lifted them out of the responsibility for moral behavior, we are
going to learn that we are held accountable for the choices we make; and that
we have been called to be light-bringers.
1 John 3:3-8 (MSG)
All of us who look forward to his Coming stay
ready, with the glistening purity of Jesus' life as a model for our own.
4 All who indulge in a sinful life are dangerously
lawless, for sin is a major disruption of God's order. Surely you know that
Christ showed up in order to get rid of sin. There is no sin in him, and sin is
not part of his program. No one who lives deeply in Christ makes a practice of
sin. None of those who do practice sin have taken a good look at Christ.
They've got him all backwards.
7 So, my dear children, don't let anyone divert
you from the truth. It's the person who acts right who is right, just as we see
it lived out in our righteous Messiah. Those who make a practice of sin are
straight from the Devil, the pioneer in the practice of sin. The Son of God
entered the scene to abolish the Devil's ways.
One of the great hopes of Christianity is the
second coming of Jesus. We know that
Jesus will return in the last days and that we are currently in those
days. Two inevitabilities are in the
future. Both are going to happen sooner
than you think. One inevitability is
death (Hebrews 9:27), the second, Jesus' bodily return to the earthly realm (Acts
Do you have a life insurance policy? The reason I have one is that the statistics
have proven that the mortality rate is pretty close to 100%. The reason my policy premiums go up every
year is that the insurance company knows my time on earth is short and they
don’t want to pay a death benefit.
Regardless I want to be prepared, to take care of loved ones left in the
face of that eventuality. I also do
things that are meant to keep me healthy and save the insurance company from
that payout. I am preparing for inevitability.
Jesus is coming again. When He does He will divide those who are loving
God and loving others from those who are not. He will separate the sheep from the
Matthew 25:46 (MSG)
"Then those 'goats' will be herded to their
eternal doom, but the 'sheep' to their eternal reward."
Eternity hinges on your preparation for
inevitability. That preparation begins
when you acknowledge that you are goatish, believe that Jesus turns goats into
sheep, commit to following Jesus, and ask God to accept your faith. Exercising this faith in Christ is the start
of proper preparations for “inevitability” (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13). Are you properly prepared for life’s two
inevitabilities? If not today is your
day to become a prepper (Matthew 25:1-13).
The hope of Jesus’ imminent return plays an
important factor in motivating you to make the right choices. When you are convinced that Jesus will arrive
today that thought keeps you steady in the faith, that thought helps you to
shine. If you have ever been at wits end
instead of giving up you pray: “Come, Lord Jesus,” that attitude keeps you
steady. “Come, Lord Jesus,” that
constant prayer motivates you to copy the model of living Jesus
demonstrated—Loving God, Loving Others.
“Come, Lord Jesus,” is not a cry to escape, but to
share in His victory, to share in his overcoming of the world. We keep on keeping on in the face of
opposition and suffering. It’s a cry of
hope, of faith (Revelation 22:20).
2 Corinthians 4:17 (MSG)
These hard times are small potatoes compared to
the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us.
Jesus is coming again. Let that thought help you stay pure, to keep
on keeping on. Also, know that death is
also coming for you. Knowing the time is
short helps us to live a devout and holy life.
Be prepared for the inevitabilities of life.
Recall that the Gnostics taught that once the
secret knowledge set your soul free from the material realm and that morality
was inconsequential. But John writes:
1 John 3:4
4 All who indulge in a sinful life are dangerously
lawless, for sin is a major disruption of God's order. Surely you know that
Christ showed up in order to get rid of sin. There is no sin in him, and sin is
not part of his program. No one who lives deeply in Christ makes a practice of
sin. None of those who do practice sin have taken a good look at Christ.
They've got him all backwards.
As a believer, one who is modeling their life
after the example of Jesus, you are getting out of the sin business, you are not
habituating sins, making a habit of them. For you, the right action is loving
God and loving others.
When you find sin in your life you repent and 1
John 1:9 it. In that repentance, there
is an abandonment of anything that prevents God’s will from being done through you. Christians don’t practice sin. Behavior is who you discern if a person is
following Jesus or not.
When you know the will of God, when you know what
is right but choose to disregard it, that’s a voluntary sin. Refusing to conform to God’s commands of love
is a sin that you chose to commit. That action is anti-Christ behavior. Excusing your sin is always wrong. “The devil made me do it,” wrong. “It’s just how God made me,” wrong. “They had it coming,” wrong. “They have insurance,” wrong. “My parents were horrible, the system
oppresses me, I have an addictive personality,” wrong, wrong, wrong. You have a choice and you choose not to be a
lover. If you think that, “once saved
always saved and therefore if you sin it doesn’t really matter cause God has
already forgiven you in Christ,” that’s a form of Gnosticism. Remember its right belief and right behavior and
right words that keep you in the light. Your choices matter. You will be held accountable for the choices
you make.
Romans 14:12 (NIV)
“…each of us will give an account of himself to
Christians by their right belief, right behavior,
and right words do not continue in beliefs, behaviors, or words that are
anti-Christ (Ephesians 4:24). When you
come into your new life in Christ, there are habits, attachments, and
addictions that you bring with you into the light. A habit is something we do without thinking,
it takes 62 days to replace a bad habit with a good one (https://shswny.org/how-can-i-break-a-bad-habit/). Attachments are things or people or
circumstances that we need to feel normal.
These are emotional bonds and replacing them takes more work than
replacing a habit. If you have ever
wondered why a friend always seems to pick the wrong people to hang out with,
it’s because of an attachment, they are drawn to what feels normal. Addiction has a physiological component as
well as a psychological component, if you don’t’ get your fix you go into
withdrawals. Serial killers are addicted
to their violence. Ok, you probably
don’t know any serial killers personally, or maybe you just don’t realize that
you do. Anyway, habits, attachments, and
addictions learned in the old way of life become the battlegrounds in the new
way of life. Now I have heard the testimony
of the incredible power of the Holy Spirit that breaks some habit, attachment,
or addiction, on the spot, cold turkey.
What I have observed is that it takes a lot of pray coupled with a lot of
hard work to get the victory over these old ways. The question is heard, “I try and try and try
but keep falling into this old sin, am I saved at all?” The bible says that “those that practice sin
are not in the light, am I doomed?”
Here’s my opinion on this, that’s your opinion warning, my educated
guess is, as long as you continue to seek deliverance from an anti-Christ
habit, attachment, or addiction, your ministry will be hindered, but you are
still in the light. It’s when you give
up and give in to the situation and justify the action that you’ve stepped out
of the light. “No one who lives deeply
in Christ makes a practice of sin.”
1 John 3:7
7 So, my dear children, don't let anyone divert
you from the truth. It's the person who acts right who is right, just as we see
it lived out in our righteous Messiah. Those who make a practice of sin are
straight from the Devil, the pioneer in the practice of sin. The Son of God
entered the scene to abolish the Devil's ways
The cultural myth of the devil portrayed in
Hollywood horror movies is just so wrong.
The Devil’s ways, oh wait, you may not think there is such a being we
call the Devil. Jesus may disagree with
Luke 10:17-18 (MSG)
Master, even the demons danced to your tune!"
Jesus said, "I know. I saw Satan fall, a bolt
of lightning out of the sky.
Matthew 4:1-3 (MSG)
Next Jesus was taken into the wild by the Spirit
for the Test. The Devil was ready to give it. Jesus prepared for the Test by
fasting forty days and forty nights. That left him, of course, in a state of
extreme hunger, which the Devil took advantage of in the first test:
"Since you are God's Son, speak the word that will turn these stones into
loaves of bread."
Then in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Devil
is symbolized as a dragon. The Church is the Woman who gives birth to the
Messiah. When the dragon cannot devour the Messiah it goes after the followers
of Jesus.
Revelation 12:17 (MSG)
Helpless with rage, the Dragon raged at the Woman,
then went off to make war with the rest of her children, the children who keep
God's commands and hold firm to the witness of Jesus.
I would say that it is a safe assumption that you
have a spiritual enemy. There is a hostile
power that opposes the will of God at work in the world, in our nation, in our
lives. Not an equal power, just one
opposed to the love of God. The Devil’s ways are more deadly and nefarious than
people think, driving people into utter darkness. The Devil’s way is to tempt you into doing
exactly what you want when it comes to ignoring God’s will and doing what
pleases yourself (2 Corinthians 11:14). Sin?
Morality? Sin and morality are just
other people’s rules to make you behave. The Devil’s way is for you to
disregard God, the reconciliation offered in Christ, forget loving God and
loving others and do what you want, do what makes sense to you, be your own
authority, don’t let anyone tell you what to do, you know what’s best for you,
and if your ego is big enough, you know what’s best for everyone in the whole
world, so go ahead and shape the world after your own image. This accounts for why there are hells on
earth. I want what I want when I want it
and whatever it takes I’ll get it, regardless of the consequences for
others. That’s egoism, the principle
motivating attitude of those who walk in darkness, the sinful nature, what Jesus
came to liberate people from (Luke 4:18).
Jesus has come to abolish the Devil’s ways.
So what do we walk away with today? Jesus is coming again. Let that thought be on your mind throughout
your day. Find hope in the promise of
the second coming and in that hope, spiritual power to model your life after
Jesus who prayed, “not my will but yours Father be done.” Choose to love God and love others. To your right
belief add right behavior, to right behavior add right words. What you do matters. Knowing the will of God, which is love, and
refusing to do it, is to sin, it is to go the Devil’s way. The disciple having acknowledged, believed,
and committed is empowered to live like Jesus.
The follower of Jesus abstains from practicing sin. As you do so Jesus sets about abolishing the
Devil’s way by empowering you to be a light-bringer. Jesus allows you the privilege of joining Him
in His liberation of humanity.
Are you in the light? Are you walking in the light? Are you
shinning? I want you in the light. Time is running out, the inevitabilities are
upon us.
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